Wednesday, August 14, 2024

4th of July Weekend

4th of July:

We had everyone here for the 4th of July weekend, and it was so fun! Bailey was excited for Nora to experience all the traditions that she grew up with. We kicked off the day with the parade in Idaho Falls. Nora made a haul on candy, and was so fun to watch. 

Ready for the parade!

We love our small town celebrations!


Look at all that candy!

After the parade, everyone came over for a backyard bbq. We also had our favorite neighbors, Larry and Karen, over. Nora played with her toys, we ate lots of yummy food, Mason blew stuff up, there was spike ball, sprinklers, more food, kite flying, animals, etc. It was a great afternoon.

We got some poppers for Nora to do.

Nora loved her bubble blowing lawn mover!


She drove the cozy coupe all over the farm.

The gang!

Amanda made yummy treats!

Cutest girls!

It was a perfect day for Nora and Mason to fly a kite.

Bailey pushed Nora around in the sprinklers. We even had the cows out there with us.

Ice cream!

Nora loves her Uncle Squiggy and Aunt NooNoo.


So cute!

Mark and Mason bought firecrackers, and Mason tried blowing up anything he could get his hands on. So funny! 😆

We did some family pictures with our rad chicken shirts on! 😁

I love this crew!


Sawyer and Amanda


That night we went to the fireworks. We met up with the fun family that was staying in our Airbnb. They had a little girl a little older than Nora, so they had fun playing before the show started.

Fireworks are a little more magical with Nora Rae!

She had such a busy day! She played so hard, and then crashed so hard on the way back to the car when the fireworks were over.

Palisades Hike:

Bailey wanted to take Nora on a hike to Upper Palisades Lake while they were here. We ended up having a great hiking day. Mason's brother, Taylor, and his girlfriend Liv came with us to the lower lake. They stopped there to fish, and the rest of us kept going to the upper lake. Steph came with us too. I love when she gets to join us on our Nora hikes.

The whole gang!

Nora is the cutest little hiker!

The lower lake.

Pops and Nora watching the chipmunks.


We made it to the upper lake!

One of my favorite places in Idaho!



Bailey always gets in!

Random Fun:

Here are some random pictures from the weekend.

We got Nora a Cozy Coupe, and it was a huge hit!

We also got her a stick horse, but it took her a minute to catch on. 😂

Nora loved Floof and Mischief! She played with them nonstop! Mischief was a little more guarded, but Floof was 100% there for it. He loved his new buddy. 😄

Cutest little friends!

She is giving them a toy. 😊

Floof went on lots of car rides around the house! 😆

We went for ice cream at the White Sparrow.

More kite fun!

Bailey was studying for the BAR while they were here, so I took Nora on lots of laps around the driveway with the lawn mower, to give Bailey some peace and quiet.

Farm Fun:

We had tons of farm fun over the long weekend! Having Nora on the farm makes me wish she lived here even more. She helped me do all the chores.

She learned how to feed the chickens!

Petting Tillie. 😊


Bailey rocked Tillie to sleep!

Hanging out with my favorite girl and my favorite two chickens. 😄

Nora fed the cows.

So cute!

Sweet kisses for Clover. 😊

Nora got to walk the property with the goats.

Ace loves Sawyer.


I just love this sweet girl!

Nora walked Reeses all over the farm.

Opal selfies!

Bailey just living her best life in the pasture with two baby miniature highland cows!

Ace loves all the snuggles!

Nora took the cutest driving farm tour! One of my favorite reels I've ever made.

We had such a great holiday weekend! I wish we could all get together way more often.

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