Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Wind Rivers Camping

 We didn't camp one single time last year, because life was just crazy! It's still crazy, but I was determined to get in a couple camping trips this summer. We pulled the trailer over to the Wind Rivers and set up camp at New Fork Lakes. We love it there!

We saw a cute deer by our campsite when we were pulling in.

The backdrop for this lake is beautiful!

Our cute little campsite right on the lake.

I woke up Friday morning and went out to see the sunrise over the lake.

On Friday we hiked to Long Lake. We have seen this lake from way up above on a different hike, so we decided to hike down to it. It's gorgeous!

From the shore of Long Lake.

So pretty!

We walked around the side of the lake for a while. We can only see a small portion of it from the bottom. From the top, you can tell why it's called Long Lake. It seems to go on forever.

We got back to camp and Jenn showed up. She was staying the night in the trailer, so she could do the long Cirque of the Towers run with us on Saturday. A storm was blowing in, but Jenn and I went out in the kayaks for a short paddle. The storm blew in pretty fast, so once the wind and rain picked up, we hurried back to shore.

A short paddle around the lake.

On Saturday, we got up early, and drove a couple hours to do the 25 mile Cirque of the Towers loop in the Wind Rivers. It's been on my list for three years. It was amazing! There were endless beautiful lakes, and crazy rugged mountains.

You can tell why this is called Mirror Lake! The reflections were awesome!


We could see the rugged mountains of the Wind Rivers in the distance, but we didn't really start hitting them on our run until around mile 10.

I think this was Marm's Lake. We went by at least 12 of them, so it's hard to keep them all straight.

Lily pads were all over this lake.

We were excited to start getting into the mountains.

This is Billy's Lake. It was one of my favorites.


Billy's Lake

Mark going along Barren Lake.

We had to go over Texas Pass, and it was quite a climb!

Looking back from half way up the pass.

The top of the pass.

The views from the top were amazing! This whole section was awesome!

The flowers were so pretty in this section!

Looking down toward Lonesome Lake.

Mother Nature's landscaping.

We had a big, final climb up Jackass Pass.

Going down the backside of the pass toward Arrowhead Lake.

When we got back to camp, Jenn headed home, and Mark and I relaxed, ate dinner, and played games the rest of the night.
On Sunday we did one final hike before we packed up and headed home. We walked along the New Fork Lake and then headed up a mountain to the New Fork Lake Overlook. We didn't go all the way up, because we didn't want that many miles. We scared the crap out of a huge bull elf, who in turn scared the crap out of us. 😅

The trail along the New Fork Lake.

We had a few big rain storms while we were camping, so everything seemed so fresh.

We had a very pretty shy for our hike.

We love the Wind Rivers, and hope to go back again next summer!

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