Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Huckleberry Picking

I've wanted to go huckleberry picking for a few years, but I never manage to make the time for it. I eat them when I'm on the trails, but I wanted to gather a bunch to freeze to use in stuff throughout the year. Amanda is a great baker, so I thought she might like to have a bunch too. We went to a very crowded Kelly Canyon, and did our best to find a spot that didn't already have a ton of pickers. We picked for a couple hours, and did pretty good. It was a solid first attempt for all of us. Sawyer was hilarious with all his sound effects. He's not big on bugs, so when he reached into a bush and came out with a daddy long legs instead of a huckleberry, I about died. 😂 We all had a great time, and I think this will be a yearly tradition for us now. It's hard to walk away. We kept saying it was like a puzzle when you say just one more piece. We would say, "Okay, let's go back to the truck." Then we'd find a good patch on our way back, and spend another 20 minutes picking. Amanda has already made some yummy goodness with her berries. 





Purple fingers are a sign of a successful day of picking!

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