Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Eve

The kids were so excited for Christmas! We barley made it through our traditional Christmas Eve activities before Sawyer headed off to bed. On his own, he was in bed by 8:00! I love it that he still gets so excited even as a teenager. I wish he wanted to go to bed early on all the other 364 days of the year. Here are some of the fun Christmas Eve traditions that we do each year.

Our Christmas story: I pick out a new Christmas story each year. No one is allowed to read it (except for me), and then we all read it together on Christmas Eve. this year we read, A Christmas Bell for Anya.

The kids get to open 1 present on Christmas Eve. This year Sawyer opened new pajama pants. Yay! He is growing so fast, that all of his other ones looked like knickers.

Bailey opened a cute new pair of blue fuzzy slippers.

Cookies for Santa.

We throw reindeer dust right before bed. It glows to the reindeer's eyes, so they can find our house easier. As you can see, Sawyer takes this tradition very seriously ;)!


Jenni said...

Fun traditions! I love the picture of the kids throwing the reindeer dust. Too cute.

emmadee said...

The last picture is totally a classic Sawyer move. :D