I need to start by saying how naughty Oreo is when it comes to our backyard. She has pulled out our entire drip system along the house, and eaten all the bushes. Mark is a yard Nazi, so this doesn't make him real happy. We are going to have to redo all of it in the spring, and it won't be cheap.
Now, on to my story. Oreo all of a sudden had horrible breath. Not just stinky dog breath....we are talking DISGUSTING! It got so bad that no one wanted to go around her anymore. They eat the good crunchy dog food and Bailey brushes her teeth all the time, so we couldn't figure out what was wrong. Mark did some research on the Internet, and it said really bad breath could be an abscessed tooth, or an intestinal problem, and they should go to the vet. Mark and Bailey took her to the vet, and then came home without her. Apparently she had bit down on the stick of one of our plants, and it broke off and got wedged across the roof of her mouth, and between her teeth. It was really bad, and her mouth was all infected. They had to put her under to remove it! I felt so bad for her. Mark was all ticked off, because not only does he have to pay to replace all the plants she has eaten, but he also has to pay to get them removed from her stupid mouth! I guess I feel bad for both of them :)! When Oreo came home, she was so drugged up that she could hardly walk to her bed. She was TOTALLY out of it, and blood kept leaking out of her mouth. I am happy to say that by the next morning she was back to her normal self again.

The stick. The vet sent it home with Mark so he could show it to me and Sawyer. So disgusting!
poor baby indeed! :( Hope she is feeling better soon!
Oh I feel for you! A few months after we got Chloe we visited my in-laws and brought her with us. They have a dog and Chloe found a huge thigh bone in the yard. She ended up biting it in shards because she has such strong jaws. She ended up in surgery that saved her life and they pulled out 4 VERY sharp bone pieces in her intestines. We were happy she was okay but not so happy with the $2200 emergency vet bill. Ugh! What we do for our pets!!!
Poor puppy. I feel so bad for her, BUT if I were you I would demand a discount off the bill since he made you bring the poop home. SICK!!!!
ps - I really could make some good use of it, though :}
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