Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Mark!

Saturday was Mark's birthday. He woke up to breakfast in bed...done by Bailey. She also made him a silly hat he had to wear. We went to a yummy lunch at Texas Roadhouse, and then went out shopping for his present. I was going to be a good wife and go get him his present on my own, but I wanted to get him a Shop Vac, and there are so many to choose from. I told him he was just going to have to go pick it out himself. He got the one he wanted, so now that can be checked off of his garage wish list. Happy birthday Mark! We love you, and we hope your day was great!


Jenni said...

Happy Birthday, Mark! Your little vacuum kinda looks like R2D2 or C3P0. Whichever one is short and blue. Hope you had a fun day!

Cris said...

Hey we have that same one! Happy Birthday Mark! Sorry I wasn't there to spoil the you remember that birthday of yours when we were kids?