Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Bailey n Marlee

Bailey has been working really hard this summer on some goals. First, she decided that she was going to do a triathlon. Her race is in less than 2 weeks, and she's trained really hard. She has also been working on the DARE 300 mile bike challenge, and the 100 mile walk/run challenge. Most kids pick one or the other, but she wanted to do both. We've been gone a lot this summer, so that cuts into a lot of her biking opportunities. So, when she is here to bike, she has to go pretty far. Her minimum is 6 miles a day, and she usually goes a lot farther. I wanted to do something fun for her, since she's been working so hard. I took her, and her best friend Marlee out for a photo shoot. I got a bit carried away, and took 184 pictures! I deleted the bad ones, and that brought it down to 110! What can I say? I was working with two pretty cute girls :)!

This is one of my favorites!

I love this one too!

The girls love this one.

I wanted to show how different the girls are, yet they are the best of friends.

This picture was all their idea, and I think it turned out so cute! I love it!

I could have posted just as many with all the goofy faces they made too! I should have, but I already felt like it was picture overload.