Thursday, October 6, 2011

Out with a BANG!

Since the middle school cross country season is officially over, some of the runners decided they wanted to do a half marathon. They wanted to go out with a bang! Bailey, Regan, and Courtney set out in the cold rain this morning to tackle 13 miles! These girls are AWESOME! Regan's mom had a route all mapped out for them. I drove the car and stopped every mile or so, just to keep and eye on them, and give them water. They kept their spirits up the whole time...even during the last mile, when it started snowing on them. They were soaked to the bone, and numb, but they finished! I am amazed at how strong Bailey's body has become in the past year. Two summers ago, her half marathon was a struggle for her, and today it didn't even phase her. These girls are such an inspiration, and I am so proud of all three of them!

Getting ready to start!

This was around mile 7. They were being goofy, and having a great time.

It was snowing on them at this point. They only had about 800 yards to go!

Here's the finish line we made for them. We had toilet paper all ready for them to run through, but it was WAY to wet. So Regan's little brothers and sisters tied scarves together and held them across the road.

There they come!

They did it! 13 miles! Way to go girls!

1 comment:

karly from [kar[+]wade] said...

haha that is so cute! go bailey!