Thursday, October 6, 2011

RMMS Cross Country

Even though Bailey is only in 6th grade, she was able to run cross country with the Rocky Mountain Middle School team. She had an amazing season! She made a lot of new friends, loved practicing with the team, and did awesome at the meets!

She kicked off the season with the Mud Run at Sandy Downs. It was the first meet of her life, and she won! It was so exciting!

The Mud Run

Her first 'real' meet was in Pocatello. It didn't take us long to realize that she definitely has a competitive spirit in her!
Pocatello Invite: 3rd place

The Digger Invite was her first experience with a really big meet. She is a great starter! She gets out hard and runs at the top of the pack, no matter how many runners are in the race.
Digger Invite: 13th place

Digger Invite

The Tiger/Grizz Invite is one of the biggest cross country meets in Idaho. Her race had 138 girls in it.
Tiger/Grizz: 19th place

Tiger/Grizz. I love this picture, because you can see Sawyer cheering for her.

The Rigby meet was one of her best races! She is Rocky Mountain's number two runner, but she had an awesome race, and ended up being their top finisher. She was also running with a leg injury from kickball at school. She was in tears at the end, but she gutted it out and did great!
Rigby: 7th place

Here's the RMMS cross country girls!

She had one of her best races again at Blackfoot.
Blackfoot: 3rd place


Regan and Bailey showing off their medals.

The Madison Invite was not her favorite race. She was disappointed in how she ran. She got a side ache during the last loop, and that slowed her down a little bit. She still ran really good, but she missed a medal by 2 places, so she was a little disappointed.
Madison Invite: 12th place


Her last race of the season was in American Falls. It was cold and rainy! She did AWESOME! It was such a great end to the season. Her and her teammate, Regan, took first and second!
American Falls: 2nd place

Bailey and Emma

She did great on the big hill!

Running to the finish line at the last race of the season!

I am so proud of how she ran. She was dedicated beyond what any of us expected. She pushed hard at every practice and meet. She ate good the whole season, and she did everything her coached asked or suggested. She was listed on as the number one 6th grader in the upper snake river valley. She has a bright running future ahead of her. It's something she truly LOVES to do, and I'm glad, because we LOVE to watch her. I can't wait until next season, when she is an official middle school athlete :)!

Here's a video of parts of her last meet. She is in the white shirt, at the top right of the screen at the start.

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