Monday, April 30, 2018

Wassmuth Center Upstander Award

Bystander- A person who is present at an event or incident but does not take part.
Upstander- Someone who recognizes when something is wrong and acts to make it right.

We made a quick trip over to Boise for Bailey to receive an award. The Wassmuth Center for Human Rights awarded six Idaho teens the Upstander award. Bailey received hers for the work she does to fight against sex trafficking. We spent most of the day walking around the BSU campus and getting some of our college questions answered. We found the dorm she'll be living in, toured the Institute building, fitness facility, and just got familiar with campus.  That evening we went to the Morrison Center on campus for a dramatic reading called, 'Letters from Anne and Martin.' It was Anne Frank's diary meshed together with a letter Martin Luther King Jr. wrote while in the Birmingham Jail. It was pretty cool. After that they brought the 6 teens up on stage and told a little bit about what they do to be an upstander. They each got a nice plaque and some scholarship money. Bailey received $250. The kids got a standing ovation from the audience, so that was really cool! We are super proud of Bailey and her drive and determination to make the world a better place. She loves the quote, "We only have two choices: do nothing, or do something." She always tries to do something! I can't think of a single person more deserving of an award like this. Congratulations Bailey!

Can you tell she's super excited about college?

Jumping for joy about being a Bronco in the fall!

Congratulations on a well deserved award!

I think she was the only non-Boise teen to receive the award.

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