Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Kelly Canyon Camping

Mark and I decided to take the trailer out for it's first camping trip. We wanted to go close by until we got the feel for how the truck would pull it. Plus, we haven't finished buying all of our camping gear, but we figured we could handle a close, short trip. We went to a pretty spot up in Kelly Canyon. The dogs have never been camping, and they had a BLAST! They loved it so much! We took them on so many exploring walks, and they ran around so much that they were exhausted by the evening, and even a little sore the next day.

Camping with the pups!

We had a really pretty, secluded spot.

Lots of exploring!

So tired, but so happy!

They both zonked out so fast, and snored the whole night away!
All and all, it was a great trip. We love our trailer, and we're super excited to take it somewhere better, and have the kids come!

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