Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Work! Work! Work!

Bailey has been working like a mad woman this summer! She has three months to make as much money as she can for college, and she's been taking full advantage of that. She has 3 totally different types of jobs, and she enjoys them all. She works at Walsh Engineering as the receptionist a few times a week from 7:00-5:30. On the days she isn't at Walsh, she counts worms at Snake River Bait. She gets home in the evenings just long enough to run and eat dinner, and then she goes to work at Cold Stone. She worked the other two jobs last summer as well, but Cold Stone is new to her this summer. She likes the interaction with the customers. She'll only work there for a short time, but if you want some yummy ice cream, go give her a visit. I hate having her gone all the time, but I love her ambition. She has a goal to graduate from college debt free, and she has been doing everything she can to make that happen. 

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