Monday, July 22, 2019

Darby Wind Caves & Tablerock!

Mark, Bailey, and I spent an awesome weekend camping in Teton Canyon. We love camping there. So many great hikes in that area. We had so much rain this spring, so everything was so green, and the wildflowers were in full bloom and were amazing!
Mark and Bailey got up early Friday morning and did a 28 mile bike ride on the path from Driggs to Victor. It was Bailey's last long ride before her race this coming weekend. When they got back, we had lunch and then headed out to hike to the Darby Wind Caves. Such a fun hike! The wildflowers were everywhere along the trail. So bright and vibrant. Bailey was in heaven!

Beautiful country!

This bee loved the bright blue flowers as much as we did!

Indian Paintbrush was everywhere. It's Bailey's favorite.

We could see the waterfall and wind caves.

When we've done this hike in the past, this stream hasn't been running. It was fun to to see the cute little waterfall this time. Our conversation went something like this:
Me: I'll give you a dollar if you stick your head under that.
Bailey: Will you give me two dollars if I go all the way under?
Me: Sure

 Bailey going under the waterfall!

It was so cold!

And of course once wasn't enough. This was her going under a second time.

I'm not sure there is a more beautiful place to hike!

The waterfall and cave.

The monument honoring the girls and their leaders who were stuck by lightening.

The big waterfall.

You can go right behind the big waterfall and look out at the canyon. So pretty!
Video from behind the waterfall.

Bailey and Mark standing behind the waterfall.
The cave!

We didn't go in the cave this time, because there was a lot of water still flowing out of it.

Darby Canyon
After our hike, we relaxed at our campsite the rest of the day. We read, took naps, played games, and Bailey did crossword puzzles.

Mark reading (which turned into napping).

Bailey napping.
 We got up early Saturday morning to hike Tablerock. It's one of our favorites, and Bailey wanted to do it before she went back to school. I really wanted to see a moose, and we did! We saw a cute mama and baby about 150 yards off the trail. We went up Face, and Bailey hiked back down Face, while Mark and I ran down Huckleberry.

The last mile up!

Almost there!

We made it!

There is no better view of the Tetons, than from right here!




Our lunch spot. We lucked out, and we had the top all to ourselves! That hardly ever happens!

We had lots of these little friends join us for lunch.

There was so much water on Huckleberry! 

The ferns were almost as tall as us on the Huckleberry trail.
We camp a lot in the fall, and it bums Bailey out because that's when she's back at school. She loves it! At least we got one good one in before she heads back to Boise.

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