Monday, July 22, 2019

The Cone of Shame!

Poor little Oreo! She got a big scratch on her cornea. I've had that happen to me twice, and it is miserable, so I felt so bad for her. We took her to the vet and he gave us eye drops to put in. They didn't help at all. I took her back for her follow up appointment, and this time they drew her blood, and spun it, and we used the serum from that as eye drops. It still didn't work. The last resort was an eye surgery. They actually scratched a tic tac toe shape across the part of her eye that was already injured. That is supposed to cause her body to generate and send healing 'stuff' to the injured portion of her eye. I was skeptical, but it worked like a charm. I'm happy to report that she is finally back to normal.

During the second round of drops, we had her in a soft cone to keep her from scratching at her eye. Poor little thing!

She was so sad!

We tried not to laugh at her in the cone, but ended up sending text to each other like this...

After her surgery, she had to be in a hard cone for a week. She hated it, but was such a good sport. 

She had no sense of self with the cone on, and ran into EVERYTHING, including us!

Mark kept laughing at her and saying she looked like the Pixar lamp. Then I sent them this picture, and we decided she was a vacuum. Hahaha! She is such a sweet little puppy. Even when she was miserable, she was such a good girl. She hated the drops and the cone, but she was so good about it letting us put them in, and putting her cone back on even though you could tell she hated it.
I'm happy to report that her eye is all healed and she's back to her normal self.

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