Monday, November 8, 2021

October Running

October is one of my favorite running months. I love the fall in Idaho! We took a week off after the Grand Canyon, and my heel is still giving me some trouble, but we tried to get out on the trails as much as we could to soak up the rest of fall.

Rolly Polly:

Steph works in Ririe now, and I love it. We can just meet her up there after work, run in Kelly Canyon, and check on the progress of our barn. We hit the Rolly Polly trail while the fall leaves still looked awesome.

Buckskin Morgan


Mark running the rolling hills along the fence line.

So pretty!


We did Palisades, and the colors were amazing! Sorry for the picture overload!

This was taken from the bridge right at the trailhead.

My heel was really bad, so Steph taped it for me to see if that would get me through the run.



From picture rock.

The lower lake.

We went a little ways past the lower lake hoping to see a moose, but no luck.

We all wore our matching Grand Canyon shirts.


This video shows how happy we are when we get to run on a foggy, overcast, fall day. 😀

Wolf Flats:

Steph and I ran the dirt road along the river in Wolf Flats. It was a perfect fall day.

South Indian Creek:

Steph, Steve, Mark, and I went up Driveway Canyon to the meadow, and part way up South Indian Creek. We had a beautiful crisp day, and hit just the right amount of snow up Driveway Canyon to make everything look beautiful.


This was Steph and Steve's first time up Driveway Canyon. We totally need to take them back in the summer when it's all green and pretty.

Carney's Crazy Thunder Ridge 50K:

Carney needed to do a virtual 50K to finish off his Marine Corps Trifecta. He planned 3 Thunder Ridge loops through the night because there was a full moon. Mark and I decided to go run some of it with him. We started at 10:30 PM. He had a great group of 9 people show up for the first loop. We decided to stay for a second loop. There were 4 of us left running, but then Jeff caught up to us, so we had 5 people for the second loop. Mark and I called it quits after two loops and 23 miles. Michelle stayed for the final loop and completed the whole thing with him. Jeff stayed for another loop, and Mat showed up, so he always had at least 4 people running. We have the best running community! I don't think anywhere else would be able to post an event that morning, and have 12 people show up to run through the night with you.

Bad picture, but a great event!

Finishing loop two!

North Indian Creek:

We had a fun group run up North Indian Creek. We were going to see how far we could get on the Paradise Loop before we ran into snow. We went up about 7.5 miles before we decided to turn around and head back. The snow level was still doable, but we saw some ominous looking clouds up ahead, so we decided to play it safe.

Mark and I running through the fall leaves at the start.

The state line.

We saw two cute moose!

Meredith and Ashley had to be back early, so they turned back right before the switchbacks.


Climbing the switchbacks.

The sun started to peek through the clouds.

Running back down the snowy switchbacks was so fun! Watch and listen as Steph tries to run downhill in snow, and film me at the same time. 😂

So pretty, even during the ugly time of year.


IFTR Early Morning Run:

I did two early morning run with the IFTR gang in October. the first one was at the Greenbelt, and the second one was a full moon run at Thunder Ridge.

The Greenbelt with Mike, Josh, and Carney. We don't know where Carney ended up, so Josh drew him into the picture. 

Full moon run at Thunder Ridge.

This was a fun one!

I was treated to the best sunrise on my way home!

Women's Runs:
October is one of my favorite months for the Women's Runs. Our first one was a breast cancer awareness run. We all wore pink, and our Strava maps spelled BOOBS. So fun!

Breast Cancer Awareness Run!


Our next run was our annual pumpkin hunt at the sand dunes. I love this one! Amanda hides little pumpkins and gourds all over the dunes, and we have to run around and find them. Then we have races up the giant sand hill, while carrying big pumpkins. So funny!

The pumpkin hunt!

The search is on!

Races up the sand hill.


The last one was our annual Halloween costume run! I wanted to be a gorilla, but it was raining, so that would have ended up being way too heavy. I opted for an easy prisoner this year since the weather was so bad. We always get lots of honks from the passing cars. Stacey was Forest Gump, and her costume was my all time favorite!

The costume crew!

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