Friday, April 7, 2023

Nora Rae-11 months!

Another month of Nora melting our hearts! This month it seems like she went from a baby to a toddler overnight. 😭 

She loves her ball pit, and it's so cute how she'll just sit and play, and then give a little chuckle at whatever she's doing. I die! 😁

She loves her walks to have lunch with dad each Saturday.

Bailey wanted to send us a video of how she gives kisses, but she was too distracted by watching herself on the phone screen. 😂

There's a kiss, which mostly consists of Nora sucking on Bailey's chin. 😅

She is getting more and more mobile everyday, and now she is starting to get around the blockades the set up for her. She is a determined little thing. I'm pretty sure she gets that from her mama. 😁

Not only is her grin and giggle the cutest thing on the planet, but get a load of her long, dark eyelashes at the end of the video! 😍

Blowing kisses! 😘

I think Bailey took this video so we could see her new teeth, but it was too cute not to share.

I think I've blogged in another Nora post about Bailey's philosophy about Nora eating. She lets her do most of it on her own. It has actually helped Nora to have amazing hand eye coordination. She is so good with utensils, and she really loves her meal times. It's been great, but the cost is that every once in awhile, you're gonna have meals that end up like this. 😂

Nora had a playdate with one of her favorite friends. So cute! It totally reminds me of when Bailey used to play with her little friend Spencer when they were that age.

Bailey has been under a lot of stress, and she needed a little girl time with Nora. She is teaching her young about all the best shows. 😂

Unfortunately, March brought another stressful trip to the ER. Exact same process as last time. Uncontrollable vomitting, a call to the on call nurse, answering lots of questions, and the nurse telling Bailey that Nora needs to go to the ER, because it sounds like an allergic reaction. At the ER, it's the same process as last time too. Testing to rule out a few things, anti nausea medicine, and the conclusion that she is probably allergic to something, and she needs to get into her normal pediatrician for some food allergy testing. They think eggs might be the problem. They wrote her a prescription so that if it happens again soon, they can give her the anti nausea medicine on their own. Both times the next day has just been focused on getting her rehydrated. Very scary experiences for new (or any) parents.

Poor baby girl turns a very sickly green color. 😢

Once the anti-nausea meds kick in, she is back to her happy self. It's crazy how sweet and happy she is, even when she doesn't feel good.

Nora knows how to do high fives now, but one morning she got a little bit confused. 😂

Bailey was jumping around being goofy, and the belly laughs in the next two videos are what came of it. 😆

There is nothing better than a baby's uncontrollable laughter!

This was Nora's first walk in the stroller without the carseat being in it. She was cruising like a big kid!

She is learning so many new tricks!

Nora and Dad riding the cow!

She has enough hair now for some pretty good bedhead. 😁

Here is a series of pictures of me and Nora FaceTiming for lunch. These needed a permanent place on my blog, because I never want to forget how much fun we have, even though we don't live close.

And just like that, our baby is walking! 😭

Kisses! 😘

Helping mama in the kitchen!

Bailey is the BEST mama, and Nora is the BEST little girl, so together they have it made.

She's cruisin' everywhere! We need to get this girl some running shoes! 😆

And just like that, Nora Rae is 11 months old! CRAZY!

We got to see Nora in March, and celebrate an early Easter with her, but that will be it's own post.

It's been a long, rough winter, and a rough beginning of spring. Every time I start to get down in the dumps, I just pull up videos of Nora on my phone, and she always adds the sunshine that I need in my life!

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