Mark has been in a weight loss contest at work for the past 6 months. He started off really good and lost a little weight. Then summer came, and well....we all know how that goes. He didn't really start getting serious about the contest again until the final month. He exercised everyday (sometimes at midnight, because that's when he could fit it in), and he ate really good. He was determined to win, so the last 5 days of the contest he didn't eat any solid food. He was on a "Hollywood diet" and boy did he shed the pounds. The last month he lost 14 pounds! He won the contest and the $108 prize money. I love when he gets his mind set on something...he gets so excited about it, and so determined. Congratulations Mark....now go get something to eat!
Congratulations Mark! Now that you have won what are you going to do with all that money? Love you all-Amber
You Dork!!! I personally think food is better than $108, but hey, congrats on the win! I don't think it's very fair ya big cheater!:) Everyone who worked so hard those months just got beat by someone who starved himself the last week to win!! You need to go on The Biggest Loser (not because you're fat) because you could just starve youself right before weigh-ins and win $100,000!HAHAHA!!!
Tricia- I think our counters might be connected somehow! They are always on the same number! I think I'm going to take mine off and start again! I think it's pretty hillarious, but hey, we got our counters!!!!
Wow, that is awesome, but I'll bet he's starving - make him some cookies!
Good job Mark!
Oh and Carson loved the singing critter..whatever it was. He still plays with it, I am just not replacing the batteries any time soon.:)
Way to play the game! Strategy is the way to always win.
Wahoo!!! Way to go Mark. Your 100 dollars richer, just in time to spend it on Trisha for her birthday! haha!! What an awesome hubby you are.
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