Most of you know that Mark has been working on our garage. He took the day off work today to get it all masked and textured, so it would be ready to paint by the weekend. I was upstairs scrapbooking when I got a text from him that said, "OUCH." I sent one back that said, "What did you do?" He quickly replied with, "I fell and landed on my back." I thought it was kinda funny. I was feeling a little silly, so I texted back, "Does your face hurt?" You know how it goes...does your face hurt? No why? Because it's killing me! That's what I was going for :)! He replied with, "I don't know." Of course that kind of boring response just made me think he was cranky...come on Mark, work with me here. I'm still upstairs a minute or two later cracking myself up when I get another text from him that said, "Will you help me up?" Oh crap, he really did fall!!! I run downstairs and open the garage door to find him sprawled on the floor unable to move. I've been upstairs cracking jokes, and he REALLY DID FALL OFF THE LADDER!!! He landed on his butt and back and couldn't move. I get the 'best wife of the year' award for this. Oh, but I don't even stop there...the whole time I'm trying to get him up, I'm giggling about how funny I still thought I was. I kept asking him if he 'got' my joke! Don't worry, other than his ego, he'll be fine. Some serious bruising of the tail bone area is all. I also wasn't supposed to tell anyone that he fell off the ladder, because according to him, only old people do that....oops, my bad!
This accident with anyone else may not be that bad, but us Varvel men have little to no cushion on the backside! I would have it Xrayed:)
I'm glad Mark is okay. I personally find it hilarious that he TEXTED you OUCH instead of calling you for help. . .A sense of humor in the midst of pain. . . that is a real man!
I visualized the whole thing. I feel so badly for him, but it still is way funny how it all went down.
You're so stinikin' funny! Mark needs to know that if he's really hurt he needs to get to the point:)!LOL I really do hope he's fine, ego and all!
oh, I hope he's okay!!! And yes it is funny!
That is totally something I would do. For some reason I think it's funny when Chris gets hurt. Unless I know he's in a lot of pain..I'm usually laughing. Too funny that you guys were texting back and forth!!!
Poor Mark...my dad has a saying..."if your going to be stupid you have to be tuff." I am really not heartless...I just like to give him a hard time.:)
Holy cow! That is so funny! He rally should have called you though!!! "Does your face hurt" (sigh)
Tricia I can totally picture you still trying to talk about the joke as Mark is in total pain. I couldn't stop laughing. I'm glad he's ok. I hurt my tail bone about three years ago and it still hurts.
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