Sawyer is in a theater class at school this year. They have been practicing all semester for a melodrama called,
How the West was Dun. Sawyer and some of his friends were really discouraged with how the play was coming along. I picked them up from their last dress rehearsal on Thur. night, and they said the play was going to be an embarrassment. A lot of the 'bad guys' still hadn't memorized their lines. They had to perform it at school twice on Friday (once for each grade). I was nervous about it all day. When he finally got home, he said it went a lot better than they thought it would. We went to the big performance last night, and I thought it was great! Sawyer played Deputy Dudley Doowrong, the Sheriff's sidekick. The script described him by saying, "His heart is in the right place, but his brain isn't." He was the comic relief in the play, and at one point I was laughing so hard I was crying. Mark just sat there with a big grin on his face, knowing that Sawyer was a chip off the old block. Good job Sawyer! I hope you continue acting through High School, because we LOVE being entertained by you!
I only got one picture because he went backstage and changed before he came out to see us. It's not even a good one, because their eyes are all glowing white.
Congratulations Sawyer! We are so proud of you and only wish we were closer so we could watch you on stage too. Keep up the humor; who knows maybe someday you will be as funny as your Uncle Scott.
Sawyer was hilarious! I think that he was the best one in the whole entire show! Good Job Sawyer!
He looks good! Wish I could have seen him. He's got to be funny if he's like his mom at all. :)
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