Finally, the countdown was over! I woke up Friday morning and went straight to the computer to read the movie reviews. I'm not sure why I even bothered...they could have said it was the worst movie ever, and I still would have been super excited to go. Me and Ashlee went to breakfast before the movie started just to kill time. We got to the theater WAY early so we would have the best seats. The rest of the World Gym rejects met us there (Charity, Karen, and Stacey). The movie wasn't as good as the book (they never are), but I still LOVED it! I will be seeing it again...and again...and probably again! Then I'll buy it and watch it some more. Edward and Bella were perfect. There was some over the top cheesy parts that we all giggled at, but I loved those too. The surprise character for me was Chief Swan. He did a great job in the movie. I can't wait for the next one to come out, so I hope they get movin' on it. All and all, I give it a BIG thumbs up!

LOVED IT!!!! I thought the show was really good. It's hard to do the book justice, but they did a pretty good job. I will definitely be watching it again. It was so fun to go with you guys, I was sad I couldn't make it earlier. Call me anytime!!
YEAH for twilight! I thought the movie was great and I can't believe you went again the very next day! You're awesome! I didn't like who they chose for edward but after the movie I LOVE EDWARD! They all did great. I too was surprised about chief swans character as well. LOVED IT!!
UH.....SOOOOO jealous that I could not be apart of the "reject" fun!!!! You guys all look so great. It must be from all the World Gym drama that is missing from your lives =). It's funny, I felt the SAME way about the movie. Cheesy parts here and there but still LOVED it. I wish I could have seen it with you guys!!!!
Oh my heck...I have seen that movie twice now, and it's amazing. It is a little cheesy, but I LOVE IT!!!!(and of course Edward)...
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