Monday, May 16, 2011

MAD Half Marathon

Tamra, Kassie and I ran the MAD Half Marathon over the weekend. It was early in the season for a long race in Idaho, so most of my training was on a treadmill. But, I did a lot better than I thought I would. We don't have times because the course was messed up, so we really ended up running 15 miles. That was a mental shocker, when I was told I was at 13 miles, and then the finish line didn't show up for another couple miles. Oh well, I guess now I know I'm in good enough shape to run 15 miles :)!

Kassie, Tricia, Tamra

Moses and Kaylee Kinikini from the Biggest Loser were there. They ran the 5K. We love them! Bailey got to meet Kaylee.

Here is Moses waving as he finished the 5K. They both looked great!

Now the big question is, do I train for a full marathon to do at the end of summer, or do I keep working on halfs, but try to drop my time? I've been thinking about it for awhile, and I can't decide!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Keep working on halves....cuz I want you to come and run with ME in Park City =D. No, I'm with you on not really knowing. I mean, what if you feel great after your half? Does that mean just go for it? Tough call!