Friday, January 10, 2020

Christmas Fun!

I got tickets for me and Bailey to see Gentri's Christmas concert at the Colonial Theater, and then we realized she would still be at school. It was during finals week. My bad! Luckily she talked to her professor, told her the situation, and was able to take her final early. She got home about an hour before we had to leave for the concert. It was so worth the rush. They are sooooo good! We loved it! We even got to meet them after the show.

So excited!

Here is a video of one of their songs. So fun!

They are all super tall, and we are short, so it made for a great picture!

Christmas River:
The four of us went to The Christmas River to see the lights. You cross a bridge to an island, and walk around the island to see everything lit up.

They had fun characters along the way.

Yay! Friends from Frozen!


Christmas Day:
Christmas day was fun! Like usual, the kids had us up at 5:00. Actually, Bailey woke us up at 5:15 and then acted like we should thank her for letting us sleep in (insert eye roll here). We opened presents, ate sticky buns for breakfast, checked out the new loot, watched movies, and just hung out relaxing.

It always looks so peaceful before the madness.

Yay, Santa came! Please disregard Sawyer's outfit. He does it to push my buttons.
 The next series of pictures cracks me up! The dogs aren't allowed on the carpet. They get so excited about Christmas, and seem to think the rules no longer apply. It's hard to get mad at them when they are so cute and having so much fun!
Reeses was so interested in what Sawyer was getting. He got some new hand soap in his stocking (because he's moving into his own place in January), and Reeses just wanted to smell it.

Every time we told her to get off the carpet, this is the look she gave us.

Then she was right back up in his business while he opened presents.

Stockings complete!

The pups got LOADS of treats!
This is the second year we did: 
Something you WANT
Something you NEED
Something to WEAR
Something to READ

Sawyer's WANT was a new phone. He's had the same one since he got home from his mission, and it was starting to kick the bucket.

Bailey's WANT was for us to cover a couple race registrations for her. We also threw in a thing for her to hang her medals on.

Sawyer's NEED was a screen protector and case for his phone.

Bailey's NEED was luggage. She's always so practical.

Sawyer's WEAR was workout socks and undies. I threw in some workout shirts and shorts for good measure.

Bailey's WEAR was a raincoat and rain boots.

Sawyer's READ was the Wheel of Time series.

Bailey likes when I pick out her books, so I got her some crosswords, and a few other books.

Bailey got Sawyer a welcome mat for his new place, and a picture of Christ.

Bailey got Mark stuff to decorate his office.

Bailey got me a shampoo bar from Lush, a cactus mug, and a cracked pepper shaker.

Sawyer got all three of us massages!

They got their usual stash of movies to watch over the break.

Bailey face timed with Mason to open their presents from each other.

She loves doing crossword puzzles! She has the heart of an old person.

Santa brought me and Mark this hanger for our medals.

We started our puzzle, and thanks to Mason, we got it done super fast.

To be honest, it didn't 'feel' much like the holidays this year. I think it's because Bailey didn't get home until right before Christmas, and she's the one that loves to get festive with me. It kind of went by like a blur. It was fun having everyone home for a short time though.

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