Monday, January 23, 2023

Cider Bend

December brought lots of shenanigans to Cider Bend.

Clover and Willow got new halters, lead ropes, and matching beanies. So if you're having a bad day, look at these cute baby donkeys in beanies, and things will surely brighten up. 😁 

Sweet little Clover!

We were trying to get good videos of them in their hats for my instagram reel. It's quite a process! 😂

Willow is my little Boise State donkey!

So cute!

Clover is darling, and always needs to carry a snack that's about as big as her on our walks.

Just saving this big weed for later.

Willow may be a stinker, but she sure is a beautiful one!

Clover can melt anyone's heart.

Reeses gets really dusty in the barn. It's hard for her to have a bath now, because standing up for that long in one place is rough on her. Sometimes we just have to improvise. 😂

November and December brought REALLY cold temperatures, and lots of snow. Then, one random day in December it got unseasonably warm, and everything melted REALLY fast. What a mess! The corrals turned into mud and lakes. I was so stressed about what would happen when it got cold again. Everything was going to freeze and end up like an ice rink.

The corrals were a muddy mess!

So much water everywhere, and it was deep!


Sure enough, the next morning everything was frozen. It was too dangerous in the corrals to let the donkeys out. Their hooves are just too tiny to keep them upright on the ice. They are too young and full of energy to keep cooped up in the stall all day. It was a long couple days, but we made it work.

The frozen corrals!

I decided to let them play inside the barn during the day. They thought this was fantastic! It was rough on me, because I just had to hang out in there with them the whole time. It was like I was running a donkey day care. Willow is naughty, so that made it extra fun. 😅

World's most patient dog!

Clover and Reeses are besties! They love each other! 😊

They are fascinated by Reeses' carpet. They paw at it, and try to eat it.

I love this picture! Clover being sweet and innocent like usual, and Willow causing trouble in the background. 😂

Reeses loves when the girls get to hang out in the barn and play with her.

Someone found her treats!

Remember how I was going to hang out and do a puzzle while I watched them. Well, no puzzle was done. I played referee all day, and followed Willow around trying to keep her out of trouble.

I wasn't kidding when I said it was like having a donkey daycare.

We could finally let them out into their small corral area, but still not the big corral. At least they had some room to run and play. They were so restless.

Clover Rae having a good roll in the dirt.

The girls could finally run and play! Clover may be tiny, but she is fierce. I love it when she tries to kick Willow. It's the cutest thing ever!

We got a lot of fresh, powdery snow, so we built the girls a snowman. They were the most curious little donkeys.

Such a fun donkey friend!

They were so curious!

Hello new friend!

We left them alone with their friend, and when we came back out, they had stolen his hat, and eaten his eye! 😂

Once they stripped him of the rest of his dignity, Willow tried to climb him!

The eyes and nose were donkey treats, so Willow assumed the buttons were too. Those were just plain old rocks. Sorry Willow!

Who knew that one little snowman could provide so much entertainment!

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