Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Frost, Owls, & Porcupines, Oh My

 My friend Joyce is an amazing wildlife photographer. I've always referred to her as the 'animal whisperer,' because she can not only find them, but the way she interacts with wildlife is fantastic. She loves the critters, and they love her back. I was lucky enough to get to tag along on an owl and porcupine photography day. It was so cool! We saw four great grey owls, a moose, two great horned owls, and three porcupines. I was in heaven! I was just snapping away with my phone, while she worked her camera magic. The difference in our pictures cracks me up.

There is a place where the great grey owls hang out for the winter. It was fun watching all the photographers hang out there waiting to spot them. I felt like I was a part of some secret club. 😂 We got lucky and spotted four of them.

This was out first one, hanging out in the trees across a field.

All the photographers were watching one across the street on a telephone pole, and Joyce turned around and noticed one in the tree right behind us.

Once we got our fill of those owls, we headed to our next area. We had a moose cross the road in front of us, so of course we got out and followed her. 😆 She dropped into the canal and laid down for a nap. It was bitter cold that day, so she was probably just trying to conserve energy and stay warm. 

I spy a moose through all the sticks!

Joyce knows the place where two great horned owls hang out. They looked so cool covered in frost, sitting in their tree. She got some amazing pictures of their frosty faces.

A great horned owl.

The highlight of my day was the porcupines. I've only seen a couple in the wild. One was from the car, and it was dark, and another time was hiking up Tablerock, again in the dark. I've never been this up close and personal with them, and it was so cool! They are the cutest!
We hit the jackpot, and one was walking toward it's tree right as we got there. We stayed back to give it time to climb up the tree, so it wouldn't feel threatened by us.

So cute!

We saw this one, and then two more while we drove around. I told Joyce I want to tag along with her this spring, when all the animals start coming out, having babies, and being more active. I can't wait! If you want to see amazing wildlife photos (including some of the ones she took on this day), follow her Facebook page, Journey With Joyce. You won't be disappointed!

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