The stick. The vet sent it home with Mark so he could show it to me and Sawyer. So disgusting!
The stick. The vet sent it home with Mark so he could show it to me and Sawyer. So disgusting!
Our Christmas story: I pick out a new Christmas story each year. No one is allowed to read it (except for me), and then we all read it together on Christmas Eve. this year we read, A Christmas Bell for Anya.
The kids get to open 1 present on Christmas Eve. This year Sawyer opened new pajama pants. Yay! He is growing so fast, that all of his other ones looked like knickers.
Bailey opened a cute new pair of blue fuzzy slippers.
Cookies for Santa.
We throw reindeer dust right before bed. It glows to the reindeer's eyes, so they can find our house easier. As you can see, Sawyer takes this tradition very seriously ;)!
Shawn Fredrickson trimmed shadow boxes on the wall. He also changed the trim around the window, doors, and base.
Curtis Juassi did the painting. We did the bottom part white.
We painted the top theater red
The finished product; looking from upstairs. Shelby Westerguard added all the finishing touches.
On our way to the recital
Bailey and Emily waiting in line. We could hear him warming up and doing his sound checks.
Just minutes before the concert started. She was so excited!
I have a VERY crafty friend, Jenni. She gave me the CUTEST Christmas gift yesterday that I need to share with everyone, because I love it so much!
Looks like just a cute box...
But it is really the cutest stationary set EVER!
The bottom has a little note pad, and a place to put stamps.
The top is filled with handmade cards, mini cards, and tags! I don't even want to use it...I just think it's too cute! Thanks Jenni! You're the BEST!
Then my family headed to our ward Christmas party. Lots of yummy food, a great program, and fun friends to mingle with.
Zak, Jeron, Carston, Santa, Emily and Sawyer
Me and Michelle
Michelle bought so much Christmas stuff in the first 2 stores, that we couldn't fit it in the car. Good thing Misty was coming to meet us with her empty van :)!