Wednesday, August 1, 2018


Mark swore he would never run a marathon. He's not a big fan of running! He has always loved to hike, and we do that quite often. Then we started incorporating some trail running into our hikes, and he really enjoyed it. We started doing it more and more, and he finally decided that he doesn't mind running, as long as it's not on the road. So, he signed up for the Palisades Ultra Trail Series Marathon! He spent 18 weeks training really hard! He was 100% dedicated and never missed his long runs. It takes a lot of time and dedication, because you're not only running far, but you're also driving to and from the mountains every weekend. He did a lot of research to learn how to fuel his body during this type of event. When the day came to run it, he was totally ready!

Craig came up from CA to run it with him. Not only was it a marathon, but there was 7000 feet of elevation gain, and the trail was very technical. It was super tough, but they both did awesome!

Craig: 7:13:38
Place: 30 out of 64 finishers (I think 66 started)
Mark: 7:28:25
Place: 32 out of 64 finishers

Getting ready to start!

They were twins and didn't even plan it. It made it nice to spot them on the trail though.

The start line!

This video of the start is hilarious! Bailey cracks me up. She was holding up her posted and cheering really loud. You can hear her yell, "You only have 26 miles to go!" People were running by laughing at her!

Cutest little cheerleader!

After they started, Bailey and I drove to the first aid station which was at mile 10. We played yahtzee until runners started coming through, and then we cheered. The sky was beautiful that morning! This picture is of Indian Creek, and that's the canyon they would run up after they left the aid station.

So pretty!

Craig coming into the first aid station.

Craig getting some food to refuel himself.

I'm sure Craig wasn't expecting his cheerleader to be quite so energetic! :)

The aid stations and volunteers throughout the whole race were AWESOME! This was the only aid station you could drive to. The others had to have the volunteers pack everything into them! The guy at the first aid station wore a diaper! Bailey was DYING! 

Mark coming into the first aid station!

Craig was leaving the first aid station right as Mark was coming in! It was fun for them to see each other and know they weren't that far apart!

Mark with diaper man!

Refueling for the next hard part!

The only other place we could see them was at the finish line. We were really stressed out, because our Shania Twain concert was that night in SLC. We needed to leave by a certain time, and we were so worried we wouldn't get to see them finish. They made it just in time! This is Craig on the last stretch before the finish line!

They had to end on an uphill road, and then climb stairs to the finish line!

Yay! He said it's the toughest race he's ever done!

Mark coming down home stretch! He fell really hard around mile 21. So hard that he almost passed out. So his last 5 miles were rough and painful. He really didn't want to run this last hill, but Bailey made him. :)

Ten stairs until he's a marathoner!

So proud of them both!

What a fun day! Me and Bailey left right after this picture was taken to head to Salt Lake. The boys went home, showered, and celebrated with a nice dinner at Fuji.
So proud of them! I think Mark is hooked, so we'll see what he decides to sign up for next year!

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