Falls Valley has a 'Spirit Day' one Friday a month. This Friday was
CraZy HaIr DaY. Bailey LOVED her hair. She would probably want to do it like that everyday if I would let her. However, she did refuse to stand at the bus stop, so I had to drive her :)!

Give it a few years and it might be in style!!:) Way cute Bailey! Or should I say CrAzY?!? How fun!
Cute, cute, cute!!!! I love when they get into the spirit days!!!! Now the colors matches your grandma's!!! Awsome!
WOW!! That is some crazy hair.Iam so mad I didnt take pictures of my girls hair, I totally forgot.
Nice hair!! And cute no matter what her hair looks like - she's got it all.
LOVE the hair!!! She is such a babe. Can't wait to see you guys this weekend.
TAG...You're it! Tell us 6 quirks about yourself!
Too fun and crazy!!!! I love it! I think it is so fun when they get to bring out their creativity!!
LOVE the last pose!!!!!!! =)
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