We LOVE Halloween!!! We decided to do a family costume this year. We weren't very politically correct, but we sure cracked OURSELVES up! Even the dog got in on the action. We have some Spanish families in our neighborhood, and luckily they were good sports and thought we were funny. When Bailey went trick or treating to one of their houses, the guy wanted her to speak Spanish before he would give her the candy. On the way back down the walk, toward Mark, Bailey said, "Dad, those were REAL Mexicans!" And of course their door was still wide open. Gotta love that! We had great weather this year, so we walked the the neighborhood trick or treating, while Sawyer stayed home and passed out candy. It was a great night.
Bailey's school had a great Halloween carnival this year. Mark and Bailey went around playing all the games, Sawyer served drinks in the kitchen (which he was thrilled about), and I made and sold 110 bags of cotton candy. We love school activities like this, because it gives us a chance to visit with all our friends and neighbors. What fun!

Our Ward had a really fun Halloween party. It started with dinner for the whole family. Then the kids could go around to the different classrooms and play games. After the games everyone went outside and we had a trunk or treat. You go from car trunk to car trunk getting candy. It's such a fast way to do it. Hayley Hendricks even borrowed the schools popcorn machine, and was making popcorn for all the kids in the parking lot. It was tons of fun!

I think 13 is a hard age for Halloween. They are too old to trick or treat, but they still want to experience the fun of Halloween. I told Sawyer to organize the kids his age in the neighborhood, and I would take them all to Dr. Slaughter's House of Terror. It was HILARIOUS!!! I think I had more fun than the kids. Most of them had never been through a haunted house before. With all those teenage boys there (and a few girls to impress), I STILL had to go first. You would think they would at least TRY to act macho. Not so! Me and Bailey went first, and then there was a big group of 9 teenagers all huddled together in a ball, going through. What a comical sight. They all had SO much fun! We may have to do this every year.
Giving you a big shout out for your help last night. I think Bailey's comment about the neighbors was as good as mine at the painting excursion! You guys are truly a bright spot in our lives! We love you all!!!!!
You guys looked great! Tell Baily to come to AZ and visits and she can meet lots of real Mexican's
WOW! That was fun to see. I Don't really like halloween and I hate to be scared. My Husband love it and every other year we have a hung halloween party, So next year big party scary.
I love you guys!! You crack me up. I love Mark's face in all the pictures...too funny!
Love the pictures!! We were cracking up when we saw your dog all dressed up. You guys are awesome.
I loved the 4 amigos - that is my name for you!! i just saw my friend Becca in Bailey's carnival picture - that's crazy. I'm glad your whole family got into it and had fun!
You guys are hillarious! I can't figure out how you come up with the best costumes! Mine always turn out DUMB! I have to admit though...Reeses looked the best :)!!!
HAHAHAHAHA! You all look like you're having so much fun! I love family theme costumes.
LOVE the costumes! You guys sure look like a Latino family:) I love the innocence of kids!
Okay I am DYING over your costumes!!!
I might have to do a whole family thing next year inspired by the Varvel fam =)!!!!!
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