Thursday, October 9, 2008

Doggie Dilemmas!

This post will need your undivided attention and participation. Many of you know that Reeses (my sweet, loving dog), is not allowed on the carpet. Many of you also know that my sweet, loving dog is a touch naughty at times. For only being 6 months old, she really does quite well with the carpet rule. Last night while I was away, Reeses was found SITTING ON MY COUCH, FACING THE TV, AND TRYING TO PUSH BUTTONS ON THE REMOTE CONTROL!!! Well, since I wasn't home, my sweet, loving dog almost died at the hands of Mark (We'll just refer to him as the Big Meanie). Let me explain Mark's relationship with our dog. It's a love/hate relationship. He loves her because we force him to, and he hates her because he's mean! I just listened to general conference and loved the talk by Brother Wirthland. He talked about being able to laugh at makes for a much happier journey. So, I put that into practice, and found the dog's latest act pretty stinkin' funny! Mark obviously missed that part of conference (or he's choosing to not follow the prophets), because he refused to find the humor in it. Just between you and me, he really needs to lighten up! I have a theory...the dog knows it's not allowed on the carpet, but she was bored. She wanted to watch a little TV, so she avoided the carpet all together and went for the couch. That's where we sit to watch TV after all. So, she really was trying to be a good dog. If only Mark could see that. I thought we'd take a vote on Mark's reaction to the dog's latest act. Maybe if all of you agree with me, he'll see the error of his ways, and eventually come around. Voting can be done to the right of the screen. Even after you vote, please leave your comments (all directed to the big meanie of course)! I would have reenacted the whole scene to get a picture for you, but I thought better of might have made my next post title be "Marriage Dilemmas!" Thanks for your help :)!


Ashlee said...

I am laughing so hard right now! I can totally picture what went down at your house last night. LOL!!! That naughty dog should be kept out in the cold! I know...I'm a big meanie too!

Ashlee said...

Oh- I didn't read your choices on the voting before I commented, and the one I would have voted for wasn't a choice, so therefore, I'm making another comment:) WAY TO GO MARK!!! (I love you Tricia!)

Scott said...

I am known by my friends as the dog hater (not totally true) so needless to say I did not vote either but your choices cracked me up! You are a comedian!
My own opinion is if animals and people were meant to live in the same space we would all live in barns or kennels and eat out bowls and poop in the corner of the lawn:) Thank heavens we are not.

Tricia said...

In regards to Scott's comment. Our poor dog isn't even allowed to poop in a corner of the lawn...she has to go all the way to the rocks in the back of the yard! Will she ever have any dignity!?!

Lesa Martinson said...

K.....that is so funny. However you know me and animals, not a real big fan. I did vote for the last one because I thought it was dang funny! I can totally picture what went on and that makes me laugh hard.

Kassie Temple said...

You are so funny!!! Sounds like Mark looses anyway that I vote. I voted #4.:) Well....Jeremiah on the other hand votes #5.. Drop Snickers off in the country somewhere and don't look back. I think it would be safe to say that he is on Team Mark on this one.

Grammy said...

OKAY!! My grandpuppy is by far the smartest puppy ever born. I've yet to hear of any other dog who can kick back and watch Animal Planet or Funniest Pet Videos by herself without any help from anyone!! Mark Varvel, you are just going to have to accept the fact our doggy in a genius!!! BE NICE to the puppy!!! I love you Reeses.

Grammy said...

Oh, I forgot to ask if she pops her own popcorn and makes her own gourmet hot chocolate, too!!:)
With the stock market in the tank, you better tap into her talent pool right away---you could be millionaires!!!

Nicole said...

Yuck, sorry I'm allergic to pet hair so it makes me shudder at the thought, but I can see the humor in it!

Dawn said...

I know how you feel my husband Matthew is the same way with our dog. He loves her, But hates her. I tell him better be nice or you may get kick out. He just looks at me and say haha.

__kARLY* said...

okay, so thats really funny, p.s! hahah :] but im not very good at this whole blogging thing, all i know how to do is post pictures and comment and read comments. so i dont know how to design it or organize or anything like that, so no making fun! i know that you and lesa are like PRO at this! :] heh. but thanks for the comments, i WILL take your kids pictures! :] i'm building up a portfolio for college and stuff, so i've just been taking random ones, but no really! let me know when your kids are free! hah i miss you by the way! :] -karly*